Harvest Sunflower Basket


Harvest Sunflower Basket

Rustic, natural beauty and vibrant shades fill this arrangement. Our Harvest Sunflower Basket is the perfect mix of bold sunflowers, roses and dianthus in a natural woven basket.


  • The Deluxe Basket is about 13"H x 17"W.
  • Designed by florists, ready to display.
  • For long–lasting blooms, add water daily.
  • Pet Safety Precautions: This bouquet or plant may include flowers and foliage that are known to be toxic to pets. To keep them safe, be sure to keep this arrangement out of your pet's reach.

Bloom Details

  • Daisy
  • Rose
  • Sunflower

Fresh & Safe Delivery

The health and safety of our customers, florists and growers is top priority. During this time, we will not require a signature for delivery. All orders will no longer be hand delivered, but be left at the front door with no contact and (as always) ready to delight.

ITEM: #S5334D